Age Calculator

Input your date of birth to receive accurate calculations of your age in years, months, and days.

Created by Helen Stark
Helen Stark
Helen Stark

Student of Harvard university, she loves to observe new things about society, she studies Wikipedia more and learns about quantum physics on the internet. She loves dancing and singing songs.

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Reviewed by Nick Walker
Nick Walker
Nick Walker

Done PHD of nuclear physics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is always seeking ways to explain science in easy terms. Moreover, he loves coffee & its beans more than his girlfriend (not at all).

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Use this age calculator to calculate your exact age and years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds you have lived till today. It will also make certain calculations and show some informative facts about your life and age-related comparisons.

How Old Am I?

It is based on your date of birth, let our age calculator calculate your age chronologically. 

  1. Add your Date of Birth
  2. Click “Calculate your Age”
  3. Get how old are you and age-related calculations

How to Calculate Age?

You can calculate your age by following the steps:

  1. Calculate the number of full years by subtracting the birth year from the current year
  2. Calculate the number of full months by subtracting the birth month from the current month. If the birth month is greater than the current month, add 12 to the current month and minus 1 from the overall years.
  3. Finally, count the number of days considering the same equation (current date - birth date).


Let’s consider your DOB as March 20, 2000, and today is April 23, 2024!

Step 1: Calculate the Number of Full Years

  • Current Year = 2024
  • Birth Year = 2000
  • Number of years = 2024 - 2000 = 24 years

Step 2: Calculate the Number of Full Months

  • Current Month = April
  • Birth Month = March

As seen, the birth month is smaller than the current month, continue simple subtraction.

Number of full months = Current Month - Birth Month

Number of full months = 4 - 3 = 1 month

Step 3: Calculate the Number of days

  • Current Date: April 15
  • Birth Date: March 10

Number of days = Days in April + Days in March

Number of days = 15 +31 = 46 days

So, your age is 24 years, 2 months, and 15 days old

Date Formats:

Different regions around the world prefer custom date formats to express their ages. The widely accepted of these are:

US Date:

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm.dd.yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy

European Date:

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm.dd.yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy

International Date:

  • yyyy-mm-dd

People Also Ask:

How old will an 11 year old be in 2050?

An 11 year old person today will be 38 years old in 2050.

What is the quickest way to calculate age?

Using an online calculator lets you calculate your age chronologically without huge manual intervention.

What is my age if I was born in 2006?

If it’s 2024 and your birthday has passed this year, then you are 18 years old. If not, you are 17 years old.

Does the calculator calculate the age of a place?

Yes, this online age calculator allows you to calculate the age of a person or anything else.

Related: You can also calculate how old you are in Korea with our Korean age calculator which calculates your age according to the Korean age reckoning system.